As a college student, you need to have several things in order to keep your sanity. For one, you have to have a good study schedule, next you need to be able to communicate with your friends and family, which is why so many students have the iPhone. However, one of the most important aspects about having an iPhone and being a college student, is the fact that you can apply certain applications that will help you both in your academic life, as well as in your social life. With the iPhone consistently coming out with new applications, you are able to find some that are entertainment and helpful.
Perhaps one of the coolest applications for a college student who always wants to have a good time is the Ajax Bartender iPhone application. This amazing application allows you to find and make over 40,000 various alcoholic drinks. However, what really makes this application so unique is the fact that it allows you to choose your drinks based on what you want to put in them. Have you ever been with friends, and someone says they want to drink Tequila, but they don't know how to make very many different types of drinks with it.